2024 Project List Progress Report


July 24, 2024

I’m Allison.
Design obsessed and self-taught DIYer, I'm so excited to share my journey with you, and be a source of inspiration as well as a resource.
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Can you believe we’re nearing the end of July?! Me either! This year has truly flown by and I know (as always) it’s going to speed up as we get closer to the holidays. As I’ve had my head down and deep into projects, I thought it would be a great time for a 2024 project list progress report. How have I done? What can I still do? And what do we need to move to next year? Lets see…


Dining Room Molding – check!

While this was a smaller project in concept, it was a big moment for me personally. I conquered my fear of power tools and it gave me the momentum to dream bigger for upcoming projects.

The dining room was also the perfect room to give this kind of work a test drive so to speak. With the chair rail already in place, and plenty of doors and windows, there wasn’t much planning needed and there was limited math to do.

shop the dining room here

I love how this custom trim really elevates the already traditional space and I couldn’t be happier with how this turned out. If you’re thinking about planning custom trim in one of your spaces, I’ve put together everything I used for this project right here.

Back Entry Way – check!

This was one of the first projects I tackled this year and it’s had such a gigantic impact on flow. The wallpaper and fresh trim color really bridge the gap between the cozy tv room and kitchen. When I look at before photos of this space I shudder and can’t believe I didn’t tackle this sooner. It feels so welcoming and it gave me a chance to add some more wallpaper to the house. A win-win!

shop the back entry here

In Progress

Primary Bedroom – in progress but almost check!

I went through a rollercoaster ride of designs for the primary bedroom but finally landed on color drenching the space. And I’m so glad I did. After I decided I would add custom molding in this space and color drench it in a deep green, I really tried to let go of getting into any more details. Aside from ordering a new bed in advance, I wanted the design to guide me as I worked.

shop my custom trim supplies here

I’m so close to being as close to finished as I can be at this point, and I can’t wait to share photos and videos with you. You can see a sneak peek above of the color drench in Farrow & Ball’s Treron (it’s so good!). I plan on collecting some pieces (lamps, a rug, and a chandelier) so won’t be a full reveal, but it will still be a dramatic before and after. I’m not in a rush to “finish” this room as I really want everything to feel perfect. And so far it does.

Exterior – in progress

The exterior of the house is going to get an “in progress” sticker. I was able to add a new garage door into the mix, and while it’s not the most fun way to spend your money, the addition has been a huge upgrade both visually and functionally.

What’s left to do otherwise? Well, quite a bit. I really hope to get my trim and gutters painted by the end of 2024. I found someone doing exactly what I envisioned for my house literally right across the street, but he has yet to call me back. I’m going to keep on him and see if I can get a quote before moving onto another contractor.

If you can believe it, this photo was AFTER I landscaped. It’s time to bring in some pro’s.

After the painting, I’ll still need to do landscaping. At this point, I’m going to table that for 2025 as I want any new plants to have the best chance of surviving. It doesn’t make sense to install new landscaping only to have it trampled by painters. It also doesn’t make sense to install new landscaping right before winter.

I’ll be adding a couple more things to this category for 2025 as well. I’m in need of a new front and side door, so those will be new additions. And I also need to decide what I’m doing with my front steps. The bricks keep falling out and I’m worried someone is going to get hurt. I also really don’t like the look of them and would prefer a more traditional staircase with a black wrought iron railing. This is a new department for me so I have a bit of research to do before I let my imagination run wild!

To Do:

Laundry Room

I had every intention of tackling the laundry room this spring but a podcast stopped me in my tracks. The episode I was listening to challenged listeners to think about how they use their spaces and what they need out of them before they jump into the designing process. I sat with that thought for a while and realized my laundry room is the command center for the first floor. It’s not just a laundry room. It’s storage for cleaning supplies, wrapping paper, pool towels, a turkey cooker, tablecloths and every day tools. And quite frankly I have many more odds and ends that should be living in this space.

My most embarrassing space in the house. We all have one!

I’m now realizing this is going to need to be a VERY customized space where I need to max out every inch, and I need to ensure it’s functioning in the most optimal way. I’m not saying the laundry room won’t make the cut in 2024, but it may be wisest to move it to 2025.

My Office

My home office is still on the agenda for 2024, and I’m feeling really confident about checking it off the list. I’m currently in the middle of deciding if I want to do more custom molding (like a chair rail and box trim) with a wallpaper mural on top. Or if I want to just repaint and focus on collecting antique pieces that inspire me for this space. Either way, I’m so excited to tackle this space next. I’m considering doing this for the fall One Room Challenge!

This wallpaper was a COVID project that I’m over. Time to go!

The Kitchen

The kitchen. Perhaps my most exhausting thing to think about. I’ve gone round and round with what to do here. One day I’m ready to rip out all of the cabinets and start over. Another day I’m daydreaming about bumping out the house altogether. And then I consider just repainting the cabinets and getting new countertops. Last week I was daydreaming about attaching a rolling library ladder to the 90’s soffits. At least they’d be good for something then, right?

What I know for sure, is that I need to take EVERYTHING out of my cupboards, and I need to think about how I use the space, what I need out of it, and what I’m not currently getting out of it. And also, could I be doing anything better from a storage perspective? From there I hope I’ll know what to do next. I want this to be a truly intentional design, as it’s going to be the biggest renovation to date. Stay tuned to see what happens in the heart of the home!

How are your 2024 goals and projects coming along? I always find it helpful to look back and it gives me some momentum to move forward. If you haven’t checked in with yourself lately, I encourage you to give it a try!

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  1. Janet says:

    Well….. I feel you’ve done so much already. Looking back the dining room may have seemed small in comparison to the bedroom; however, there have been many stages to getting it where you are currently. The 2024 list is hugh and there’s no shame continuing with it in 2025. Your ideas are evolving!

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